This year, VAMUN is proud to once again sponsor two Jefferson Committees on Diplomacy (JCD). Inspired by UVA’s founder, Thomas Jefferson, these committees are meant to serve as host to advanced delegates who feel they embody Mr. Jefferson’s passion for diplomacy and debating. Both JCDs are ad-hoc committees. This year, we are once again proud to have both a JCD-Crisis and JCD-Specialized; having both types allows all delegates a chance to compete in one of these prestigious committees. Both committees serve to challenge experienced delegates to step outside of their comfort zone and collaborate to create effective policy solutions. Each committee will be filled with the best delegates within each respective committee structure forcing delegates to go above-and-beyond to succeed in committee. 

Good luck, delegates. 

Zach Lederer
Secretary General, VAMUN XLIV


The Jefferson Committee on Diplomacy - Crisis

Click here to learn more about JCD Crisis.

The Jefferson Committee on Diplomacy - Specialized

Click here to learn more about JCD Specialized.